Using a QMModel: Performing Geometry Optimization

import numpy as np
import ase
from import molecule
from ase.optimize import LBFGS
from qmlearn.api.api4ase import QMLCalculator
from qmlearn.drivers.mol import QMMol
from import db2qmmodel

Geting Energies from an external model using Delta learning by altering the initial geometry

  1. Open a database that contained the Linear Regression model using db2qmmodel

qmmodel = db2qmmodel('h2o_vib_QML_set.hdf5')
Guess DB names : {'qmmol': 'rks/qmmol', 'atoms': 'rks/train_atoms_36', 'properties': 'rks/train_props_36'}
Guess mmodels: {'gamma': KernelRidge(alpha=0.1), 'd_gamma': LinearRegression(), 'd_energy': LinearRegression(), 'd_forces': LinearRegression()}
  1. Define second learning features energy and forces

  2. Define the Calculator, based on second_learn models.

second_learn = {
        'energy' : 'd_energy',
        'forces' : 'd_forces',
calc = QMLCalculator(qmmodel = qmmodel, second_learn = second_learn, method = 'gamma')
  1. Alter the atom_test positions by 0.2 and perform an optimization using LBFGS method.

atoms_test.positions[0,0] += 0.2
atoms = atoms_test.copy()
atoms.calc = calc
LBFGS(atoms, trajectory = 'opt.traj').run(fmax=0.01)
       Step     Time          Energy         fmax
LBFGS:    0 16:14:33    -2070.589575        1.2729
LBFGS:    1 16:14:33    -2070.613727        0.5394
LBFGS:    2 16:14:33    -2070.613889        0.5234
LBFGS:    3 16:14:33    -2070.618351        0.0467
LBFGS:    4 16:14:33    -2070.618367        0.0336
LBFGS:    5 16:14:34    -2070.618414        0.0136
LBFGS:    6 16:14:34    -2070.618422        0.0038
array([[ 1.99147485e-01, -4.01329618e-05,  9.49149270e-02],
       [ 4.28776896e-04,  7.65808159e-01, -4.64809616e-01],
       [ 4.23770571e-04, -7.65768012e-01, -4.64937199e-01]])

Geting Energies using PySCF engine

  1. Define the basis set, level of theory, exchange correlation functional and the total charge of your system

basis = 'cc-pvTZ'
xc = 'lda,vwn_rpa'
method = 'rks'
charge = 0
  1. Create atoms atoms copy, and the refqmmol object to initialize the engine.

  2. Initialize the calculator using QMLCalculator class.

atoms = atoms_test.copy()
refqmmol = QMMol(atoms = atoms, method = method, basis=basis, xc = xc, charge=charge)
atoms.calc = QMLCalculator(qmmodel = refqmmol, method = 'engine')
  1. Run the geometry optimization

LBFGS(atoms, trajectory = 'opt.traj').run(fmax=0.01)
       Step     Time          Energy         fmax
LBFGS:    0 16:14:37    -2070.596525        1.3259
LBFGS:    1 16:14:40    -2070.616301        0.2563
LBFGS:    2 16:14:43    -2070.617393        0.1126
LBFGS:    3 16:14:46    -2070.618015        0.1030
LBFGS:    4 16:14:50    -2070.618396        0.0495
LBFGS:    5 16:14:53    -2070.618425        0.0106
LBFGS:    6 16:14:57    -2070.618427        0.0005
array([[ 1.92577545e-01, -9.34071419e-15,  9.72371798e-02],
       [ 3.71122733e-03,  7.65804799e-01, -4.66034590e-01],
       [ 3.71122733e-03, -7.65804799e-01, -4.66034590e-01]])

Geting Energies from an external model using Delta learning

  1. Open a model in a database and keep it in qmmodel.

  2. Create atoms atoms copy.

  3. Initialize the calculator using QMLCalculator class, based on the define second_learn models.

qmmodel = db2qmmodel('./h2o_md_300_QML_set.hdf5')
atoms = atoms_test.copy()
atoms.calc = QMLCalculator(qmmodel = qmmodel, second_learn = second_learn, method = 'gamma')

Guess DB names : {'qmmol': 'rks/qmmol', 'atoms': 'rks/train_atoms_30', 'properties': 'rks/train_props_30'}
Guess mmodels: {'gamma': KernelRidge(alpha=0.1), 'd_gamma': LinearRegression(), 'd_energy': LinearRegression(), 'd_forces': LinearRegression()}
  1. Run the geometry optimization

LBFGS(atoms, trajectory = 'opt.traj').run(fmax=0.01)
       Step     Time          Energy         fmax
LBFGS:    0 16:15:00    -2070.596523        1.3260
LBFGS:    1 16:15:00    -2070.616322        0.2564
LBFGS:    2 16:15:01    -2070.617412        0.1126
LBFGS:    3 16:15:01    -2070.618032        0.1029
LBFGS:    4 16:15:01    -2070.618411        0.0495
LBFGS:    5 16:15:01    -2070.618441        0.0106
LBFGS:    6 16:15:01    -2070.618441        0.0014
array([[ 1.92610265e-01,  1.14244173e-05,  9.72291730e-02],
       [ 3.69633877e-03,  7.65794139e-01, -4.66026200e-01],
       [ 3.69338994e-03, -7.65805574e-01, -4.66034992e-01]])