Source code for qmlearn.drivers.mol

import numpy as np
from ase import Atoms, io

from qmlearn.drivers.core import minimize_rmsd_operation
from qmlearn.utils import array2blocks, blocks2array

qm_engines = {
        'pyscf' : None

[docs]class QMMol(object): r""" Class to create qmlearn mol object. Attributes ---------- atoms : :obj: PySCF or ASE atom object Molecular geometry engine_name : str Options: | PySCF (Default) : 'pyscf' | Psi4 : 'psi4' method : str | PySCF: | DFT : 'dft' | HF : 'hf' | RKS : 'rks' | RHF : 'rhf | MP2 : 'mp2' | CISD : 'cisd' | FCI : 'fci' | Psi4: | HF('rhf+hf') : 'hf' | RHF('rhf+hf') : 'rhf | SCF('rks+scf') : 'scf' | RKS('rks+scf') : 'rks' | MP2('rhf+mp2') : 'mp2' basis : dict or str To define basis set. xc : dict or str To define xchange-correlation functional charge : int Total electronic charge. rotate_method : str | None : 'none' | Kabsch : 'kabsch' | Quaternion : 'quaternion' reorder_method : str | 'hungarian' | 'inertia-hungarian' | 'brute' | 'distance' use_reflection : bool If True it applies a reflection on your molecule. """ engine_calcs = [ 'calc_gamma', 'calc_ncharge', 'calc_etotal', 'calc_etotal2', 'calc_ke', 'calc_dipole', 'calc_quadrupole', 'calc_forces', 'calc_idempotency', 'rotation2rotmat', 'get_atom_naos', 'vext', 'ovlp', 'nao', ] def __init__(self, atoms = None, engine_name = 'pyscf', method = 'rks', basis = '6-31g', xc = None, occs=None, refatoms = None, engine_options = {}, charge = None, engine = None, stereo = True, rotate_method = 'kabsch', reorder_method = 'hungarian', use_reflection = True, **kwargs): # Save all the kwargs for duplicate self.init_kwargs = locals() self.init()
[docs] def init(self): # Draw the arguments engine=self.init_kwargs.get('engine', None) atoms=self.init_kwargs.get('atoms', None) occs=self.init_kwargs.get('occs', None) refatoms=self.init_kwargs.get('refatoms', None) # engine_name=self.init_kwargs.get('engine_name', None) engine_options=self.init_kwargs.get('engine_options', {}).copy() method=self.init_kwargs.get('method', None) xc=self.init_kwargs.get('xc', None) basis=self.init_kwargs.get('basis', None) charge=self.init_kwargs.get('charge', None) # stereo=self.init_kwargs.get('stereo', True) rotate_method=self.init_kwargs.get('rotate_method', None) reorder_method=self.init_kwargs.get('reorder_method', None) use_reflection=self.init_kwargs.get('use_reflection', True) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- self.op_rotate = np.eye(3) self.op_translate = np.zeros(3) self.op_indices = None self._rotmat = None self._atom_naos = None #----------------------------------------------------------------------- if not isinstance(atoms, Atoms): try: atoms = except Exception as e: raise e atoms_init = atoms atoms_change = None if refatoms is not None : if hasattr(refatoms, 'atoms'): refatoms = refatoms.atoms if not isinstance(refatoms, Atoms): try: refatoms = except Exception as e: raise e if refatoms is not atoms : self.op_rotate, self.op_translate, self.op_indices = minimize_rmsd_operation(refatoms, atoms, stereo = stereo, rotate_method = rotate_method, reorder_method = reorder_method, use_reflection = use_reflection) atoms = atoms[self.op_indices] atoms.set_positions(,self.op_rotate)+self.op_translate) atoms_change = atoms if atoms_change is None : atoms = atoms.copy() else : atoms = atoms_change self.atoms_init = atoms_init # self.op_rotate_inv = np.linalg.inv(self.op_rotate) self.op_rotate_inv = np.ascontiguousarray(self.op_rotate.T) if self.op_indices is None : self.op_indices = np.arange(len(atoms)) self.op_indices_inv = np.argsort(self.op_indices) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- if engine is None : if engine_name == 'pyscf' : from qmlearn.drivers.pyscf import EnginePyscf engine_options['mol'] = atoms engine_options['method'] = method engine_options['basis'] = basis engine_options['charge'] = charge if isinstance(xc, (str, type(None))) : engine_options['xc'] = xc elif isinstance(xc, (list, tuple, set)): engine_options['xc'] = ','.join(xc) else : raise AttributeError(f"Not support this '{xc}'") engine = EnginePyscf(**engine_options) elif engine_name == 'psi4' : from qmlearn.drivers.psi4 import EnginePsi4 engine_options['mol'] = atoms engine_options['method'] = method engine_options['basis'] = basis if isinstance(xc, (str, type(None))) : engine_options['xc'] = xc else : raise AttributeError(f"Not support this '{xc}'") engine = EnginePsi4(**engine_options) else : raise AttributeError(f"Sorry, not support '{engine_name}' now") #----------------------------------------------------------------------- self.refatoms = refatoms or atoms self.engine = engine self.occs = occs self.atoms = atoms self.engine_name = engine_name self.engine_options = engine_options self.method = method self.xc = xc self.basis = basis #----------------------------------------------------------------------- return self
[docs] def duplicate(self, atoms, **kwargs): r""" Function to create a duplicate image of Atomic coordinates ('refatoms') Parameters ---------- atoms : :obj: PySCF or ASE atom object Molecular geometry Returns ------- obj : :obj: PySCF or ASE atom object Reference atoms. """ for k, v in self.init_kwargs.items(): if k == 'self' or k in kwargs : continue elif k == 'atoms' : kwargs[k] = atoms else : kwargs[k] = v if kwargs['refatoms'] is None : kwargs['refatoms'] = self.atoms obj = self.__class__(**kwargs) return obj
[docs] def run(self, **kwargs): r"""Function to run the External Calculator."""**kwargs)
def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr in dir(self): return object.__getattribute__(self, attr) elif attr in self.engine_calcs : if not hasattr(self.engine, attr): raise AttributeError(f"Sorry, the {self.engine_name} engine not support the {attr} now.") return getattr(self.engine, attr) else : raise AttributeError(f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute '{attr}'.") @property def rotmat(self): r""" Rotated density matrix """ if self._rotmat is None : self._rotmat = self.rotation2rotmat(self.op_rotate) return self._rotmat @property def atom_naos(self): r""" Number of atomic orbitals. """ if self._atom_naos is None : self._atom_naos = self.get_atom_naos() return self._atom_naos
[docs] def convert_back(self, y, prop = 'gamma', rotate = True, reorder = True, **kwargs): r""" Function to rotate gamma or forces base on initial coordinates. Parameters ---------- pro : str Options | 1-RDM : 'gamma' | Forces : 'forces' y : ndarray Predicted gamma or forces matrix to be rotated. Returns ------- y : ndarray Rotated gamma or forces matrix. """ nao = self.nao # if np.allclose(self.op_rotate, self.op_rotate_inv) : rotate = False if np.all(self.op_indices[:-1] < self.op_indices[1:]) : reorder = False # # print('rotate', rotate, reorder) if 'gamma' in prop : if y.ndim == 1 : y = y.reshape((nao, nao)) if rotate : y = self.rotmat.T@y@self.rotmat if reorder : naos = self.atom_naos blocks = array2blocks(y, sections = naos) y = blocks2array(blocks, indices = self.op_indices_inv) elif 'forces' in prop : if y.ndim == 1 : y = y.reshape((-1, 3)) if rotate : y =, self.op_rotate_inv) if reorder : y = y[self.op_indices_inv] else : # others just return it self pass return y