Source code for qmlearn.drivers.core

import numpy as np
import itertools as it
from import rotation_matrix_from_points
from ase.geometry import get_distances
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from rmsd.calculate_rmsd import (

from qmlearn.utils.utils import matrix_deviation

[docs]class Engine(object): r"""Abstract Base class for the External calculator. Until now we have implemented: PySCF and Psi4. Attributes ---------- vext : ndarray External Potential. gamma : ndarray 1-body reduced density matrix (1-RDM). gammat : ndarray 2-body reduced density matrix (2-RDM). etotal : float Total electronic energy forces : ndarray Atomic forces ovlp : ndarray Overlap Matrix. kop : ndarray Kinetic Energy Operator. eri : ndarray 2-electron integrals: 8-fold or 4-fold ERIs or complex integral array with N^4 elements (N is the number of orbitals). orb : ndarray Molecular orbital coefficients """ def __init__(self, mol = None, method = 'rks', basis = '6-31g', xc = None, **kwargs): self.options = locals() self.options.update(kwargs) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- self._vext = None self._gamma = None self._gammat= None self._etotal = None self._forces = None # self._kop = None self._ovlp = None self._eri = None self._orb = None
[docs] def init(self, *args, **kwargs): r""" Initialize ABC class.""" pass
[docs] def run(self, *args, **kwargs): r""" ABC to check run function.""" pass
@property def gamma(self): r""" 1-body reduced density matrix (1-RDM). """ pass @property def gammat(self): r""" 2-body reduced density matrix (2-RDM). """ pass @property def etotal(self): r""" Total Energy. """ pass @property def forces(self): r""" Atomic Forces. """ pass @property def vext(self): r""" External Potential. """ pass @property def kop(self): r""" Kinetic Energy Operator. """ pass @property def ovlp(self): r"""Overlap Matrix.""" pass @property def ncharge0(self): r""" Calculated number of electrons. """ pass
[docs] def calc_gamma(self, orb=None, occs=None): r"""Calculate the 1-body reduced density matrix (1-RDM). Parameters ---------- orb : ndarray Orbital Coefficients. Each column is one orbital occs : ndarray Occupancy Returns ------- 1-RDM : ndarray """ pass
[docs] def calc_ncharge(self, gamma, ovlp = None): r""" Get calculated total number of electrons Parameters ---------- gamma : ndarray 1-RDM ovlp : ndarray Overlap Matrix Returns ------- ncharge : int Calcualted number of electrons """ if ovlp is None : ovlp = self.ovlp ncharge = np.einsum('ji,ij->', gamma, ovlp) return ncharge
[docs] def calc_ke(self, gamma, kop = None): r""" Get Total kinetic energy Parameters ---------- gamma : ndarray 1-RDM kop : ndarray Kinetic energy operator Returns ------- ke : float Total kinetic energy """ if kop is None : kop = self.kop ke = np.einsum('ji,ij->', gamma, kop) return ke
[docs] def calc_idempotency(self, gamma, ovlp=None, kind=1): r""" Check idempotency of gamma .. math:: \gamma S \gamma = 2 \gamma Parameters ---------- gamma : ndarray 1-RDM ovlp : ndarray Overlap matrix Attributes ---------- kind : int | 1 : Level 1 | 2 : Level 2 | 3 : Level 3 Returns ------- errorsum : float Sum over the Absolute difference among matrix 1 and 2. """ # Only for nspin=1 if ovlp is None : ovlp = self.ovlp if kind==1: g = gamma@ovlp@gamma/2 if kind==2: g = (3*gamma@ovlp@gamma@ovlp@gamma - 2*gamma@ovlp@gamma)/8 if kind==3: g = (4*gamma@ovlp@gamma@ovlp@gamma -gamma@ovlp@gamma@ovlp@gamma@ovlp@gamma)/8 return matrix_deviation(gamma, g)
[docs]def atoms_rmsd(target, atoms, transform = True, **kwargs) : r""" Function to return RMSD : Root mean square deviation between atoms and target:transform atom object. And the target atom coordinates. Parameters ---------- target : :obj: ASE atoms object Reference atoms. atoms : :obj: ASE atoms object Atoms to be transformed (Rotate y/o translate). Attributes ---------- keep : bool If True keep a copy of atoms. transform : bool If True minimize rotation and translation between refatoms and atoms. (See ASE documentation: Minimize RMSD between atoms and target.) Returns ------- rmsd : float RMSD betwwen reference and transform atoms. atoms : :obj: ASE atoms object Transformed target molecule. """ if transform : op_rotate, op_translate, op_indices = minimize_rmsd_operation(target, atoms, **kwargs) positions =,op_rotate)+op_translate atoms = atoms[op_indices] atoms.set_positions(positions[op_indices]) rmsd = rmsd_coords(target.positions, atoms.positions) return rmsd, atoms
[docs]def rmsd_coords(target, pos, **kwargs): r""" Function to return RMSD : Root mean square deviation between pos and target atomic positions. Parameters ---------- pos : :obj: ASE atoms object Reference atoms. target : :obj: ASE atoms object Atoms to be transformed (Rotate y/o translate). Returns ------- rmsd : float RMSD between pos and target atomic positions """ return diff_coords(target, pos, diff_method='rmsd', **kwargs)
[docs]def diff_coords(target, pos = None, weights = None, diff_method = 'rmsd'): r""" Function to return mean base on method error/deviation between pos and target atomic positions. Parameters ---------- pos : :obj: ASE atoms object Reference atoms. target : :obj: ASE atoms object Atoms to be transformed (Rotate y/o translate). Attributes ---------- diff_method : str | RMSD(root-mean-square deviation) : 'rsmd' | RMSE(root-mean-square error) : 'rmse' | MSD(mean-square deviation) : 'msd' | MSE(mean-square error) : 'mse' | MAE(mean absolute error) : 'mae' Returns ------- rmsd : float Mean base on method error/deviation between pos and target atomic positions """ if pos is None : diff = target else : diff = pos - target if weights is not None : weights = np.asarray(weights) if weights.ndim == 1 and len(weights) > 1 : weights = weights[:, None] diff *= weights if diff_method in ['msd', 'mse'] : # mean squared deviation (MSD) or mean squared error (MSE) rmsd = np.sum(diff*diff)/len(diff) elif diff_method in ['rmsd', 'rmse'] : # root-MSD or root-MSE rmsd = np.sqrt(np.sum(diff*diff)/len(diff)) elif diff_method == 'mae' : # mean absolute error (MAE) rmsd = np.sum(np.abs(diff))/len(diff) return rmsd
[docs]def atoms2bestplane(atoms, direction = None): r""" Apply Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to atoms and re-oriente them. Parameters ---------- atoms : :obj: ASE atoms object Atoms coordinates Attributes ---------- direction : ndarray 1D-vector to re-orient the atoms positions Returns ------- atoms : ndarray Reoriented atom positions """ pca = PCA() pos = pca.fit_transform(atoms.positions) atoms.set_positions(pos) if direction is not None : atoms = atoms2newdirection(atoms, a=(0,0,1), b=direction) return atoms
[docs]def get_atoms_axes(atoms): r""" Get PCA components of atomic positions. Parameters ---------- atoms : :obj: ASE object Returns ------- axes : ndarry Vector containing the PCA components of the atomic positions """ pca = PCA(n_components=3) axes = pca.components_ return axes
[docs]def atoms2newdirection(atoms, a=(0,0,1), b=(1,0,0)): r""" Function to re-orientate the atom positions. If Vector is None, the default rotation is around X-axis. Parameters ---------- atoms : :obj: ASE atom object Returns ------- atoms : ndarray Rotated atoms coordinates """ a = np.asarray(a, dtype=float) b = np.asarray(b, dtype=float) a = np.asarray(a, dtype=float) / np.linalg.norm(a) b = np.asarray(b, dtype=float) / np.linalg.norm(b) if np.allclose(a, b) : return atoms c = np.cross(a, b) deg= np.rad2deg(np.arccos(np.clip(,b),-1.0,1.0))) atoms.rotate(deg,c) return atoms
[docs]def minimize_rmsd_operation(target, atoms, stereo = True, rotate_method = 'kabsch', reorder_method = 'hungarian', use_reflection = True, alpha = 0.2): r""" Function to create Rotation Matrix and Translation Vector of reference atoms with respect to initialize atoms. Parameters ---------- target : :obj: ASE atoms object References atoms atoms : :obj: ASE atoms object Initialize atoms reorder_method : str | 'hungarian' | 'inertia-hungarian' | 'brute' | 'distance' rotate_metod: str | None : 'none' | Kabsch : 'kabsch' | Quaternion : 'quaternion' use_reflection : bool If True it applies a reflection on your molecule. Returns ------- rotate : ndarray Rotation Matrix translate : ndarray Translation Vector rmsd_final_indices : ndarry Reorderred atom indices """ # return _minimize_rmsd_operation_v0(target, atoms) pos_t = target.get_positions() c_t = np.mean(pos_t, axis=0) # c_t = target.get_center_of_mass() pos_t = pos_t - c_t pos = atoms.get_positions() c = np.mean(pos, axis=0) # c = atoms.get_center_of_mass() pos = pos - c #----------------------------------------------------------------------- atoms1 = target.copy() atoms1.positions[:] = pos_t atoms2 = atoms.copy() # axes1 = np.abs(get_atoms_axes(atoms1)) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- if use_reflection : srot=np.zeros((48,3,3)) mr = np.array(list(it.product([1,-1], repeat=3))) i=0 for swap in it.permutations(range(3)): for ijk in mr: srot[i][tuple([(0,1,2),swap])]= ijk i+=1 else : srot=[np.eye(3)] #----------------------------------------------------------------------- rmsd_final_min = np.inf for ia, rot in enumerate(srot): if stereo and np.linalg.det(rot) < 0.0 : continue atoms2.set_positions(, rot)) atoms2.set_chemical_symbols(atoms.get_chemical_symbols()) # indices = reorder_atoms_indices(atoms1, atoms2, reorder_method=reorder_method) atoms2 = atoms2[indices] rotate = get_match_rotate(atoms1, atoms2, rotate_method = rotate_method) atoms2.positions[:] =[:], rotate) rmsd = diff_coords(atoms1.positions, atoms2.positions, diff_method = 'mae') # if rmsd < 0.3 : # print('r0', rmsd, ia, rmsd_final_min) # atoms2.write('try_' + str(ia) + '.xyz') # axes2 = np.abs(get_atoms_axes(atoms2)) # rmsd += rmsd_coords(axes1, axes2)*alpha if rmsd < rmsd_final_min : rmsd_final_min = rmsd rmsd_final_rotate = rotate rmsd_final_reflection = rot rmsd_final_indices = indices # print('rmsd', rmsd, rmsd_final_min) rotate =, rmsd_final_rotate) translate = c_t -, rotate) # print('rmsd_final_min', rmsd_final_min) # positions =, rotate) + translate # rmsd = rmsd_coords(target.positions, positions[rmsd_final_indices]) # print('rmsd', rmsd) return rotate, translate, rmsd_final_indices
[docs]def get_match_rotate(target, atoms, rotate_method = 'kabsch'): r""" Rotate Atoms with a customize method Parameters ---------- target : :obj: ASE atoms object References atoms atoms : :obj: ASE atoms object Initialize atoms rotate_metod: str | None : 'none' | Kabsch : 'kabsch' | Quaternion : 'quaternion' Returns ------- rotate : ndarray Rotated atom positions """ if rotate_method is None or rotate_method == 'none': rotate = np.eye(3) else : if not hasattr(rotate_method, '__call__'): if rotate_method == 'kabsch' : rotate_method = kabsch elif rotate_method == 'quaternion' : rotate_method = quaternion_rotate raise AttributeError(f"Sorry, not support '{rotate_method}'.") rotate = rotate_method(atoms.positions, target.positions) return rotate
[docs]def reorder_atoms_indices(target, atoms, reorder_method='hungarian'): r""" Reorder atoms indices Parameters ---------- target : :obj: ASE atoms object References atoms atoms : :obj: ASE atoms object Initialize atoms reorder_method : str | 'hungarian' | 'inertia-hungarian' | 'brute' | 'distance' Returns ------- indices : ndarray Reordered atom indices """ if reorder_method is None or reorder_method == 'none': indices = slice(None) else : if not hasattr(reorder_method, '__call__'): if reorder_method == 'hungarian' : reorder_method = reorder_hungarian elif reorder_method == 'inertia-hungarian' : reorder_method = reorder_inertia_hungarian elif reorder_method == 'brute' : reorder_method = reorder_brute elif reorder_method == 'distance' : reorder_method = reorder_distance else : raise AttributeError(f"Sorry, not support '{reorder_method}'.") indices = reorder_method(np.asarray(target.get_chemical_symbols()), np.asarray(atoms.get_chemical_symbols()), target.positions, atoms.positions) return indices
def _reorder_atoms_v0(target, atoms): from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment symbols1 = np.asarray(target.get_chemical_symbols()) symbols2 = np.asarray(atoms.get_chemical_symbols()) slist = np.unique(symbols1) indices = np.zeros_like(symbols1, dtype=int) for s in slist : i1 = symbols1 == s i2 = symbols2 == s j2 = np.where(i2)[0] distances = get_distances(target[i1].positions, atoms[i2].positions)[1] _, inds = linear_sum_assignment(distances) indices[i1] = j2[inds] return atoms[indices] def _minimize_rmsd_operation_v0(target, atoms): pos_t = target.get_positions() c_t = np.mean(pos_t, axis=0) pos_t = pos_t - c_t pos = atoms.get_positions() c = np.mean(pos, axis=0) pos = pos - c rotate = rotation_matrix_from_points(pos.T, pos_t.T).T translate = c_t -, rotate) index = np.arange(len(pos)) return(rotate, translate, index)